...Or is it just mostly me and a few others that look forward to Thanksgiving?
With the stores stocked with Christmas decorations, TV commercials promoting new cars as gifts, Hallmark's TV channel showing Christmas movies and all around us we are being aware of the Christmas holiday.
Somehow, stores have jumped from an over array of Halloween decorations right to Christmas but as I search for a few Thanksgiving decorations there is little to be found aside from paper plates, plastic tablecloths and paper cups! Where are the turkeys, pilgrims, Indian corn and decorations that I remember many homes having to welcome a holiday of family gatherings, blessings and thankfulness?
When did Thanksgiving no longer really matter except to those who anxiously await the start of Black Friday sales, and now stores here are holding special early sales even on Thanksgiving!
I can't help but think of the people who have to work those sales and deal with the crowds after their Thanksgiving dinner or in the wee hours on Friday morning!
We have a small family now where not too many years ago we would have a large table brought in and set up for all the family and friends to join us in breaking bread and sharing in the feast of Thanksgiving.
It was a time to gather together and be thankful for our many blessings. We visited, laughed and shared in the specialness of the day. There was no rushing to stores yet for we knew how to wait and enjoy each holiday for it's own purpose.
Now our family will gather together with full hearts to feast and to share memories of loved ones who are no longer with us but always in our hearts. We will be thankful to sit together once more and share in this special day. After the dishes are washed and put away we play cards and board games, maybe watch some football or just take a walk. Later the festive paper Turkey plates will be set out along with homemade pies and ice creams!
As the day draws to an end and with hearts and tummy's full we'll pack up left overs and make our way home. Content and thankful to have shared in this special holiday together once more! This is what Thanksgiving is to me. Friday is a day that we stay home, eat leftovers and maybe begin to think of bringing up lights from the cellar to check and see if they still work in preparation for stringing outside. There is no rushing around, fighting traffic or crowds to try to win at special sales. We've heard how stores will advertise a certain item or items at a big discount only to have a small limited stock in supply. Also, those items may be knock offs from a popular brand and lack features of the "real" item. It was disgusting when a shopper at a big box store was injured purposely because another shopper wanted to get in ahead of him in a long line!
If you enjoy the rush of the early beginning shopping season that's fine. But it's not for me and to each his own as the saying goes.
For me, I thrive on seeing and feeling the joy that comes from each different season and holiday as it arrives. I love to walk through the leaves and hear them rustle at my feet and give off their scent of fall or watch the Geese as they fly in V formations on their way to warmer climates. Truly, it's the little things in life that bring the most joy!
With busy lives it is my hope that we may all stop for a moment to see, feel and enjoy each season, each holiday and each other, in that there is a true feeling of Thanksgiving, Blessing, Contentment and Peace!
Thanks for visiting,