Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Pondering Thoughts Of Autumn~

We had a couple of cooler days so out came some fall decorations. Still more to do with adding cornstalks, pumpkins and colorful Indian corn in the days ahead. For now we're back in the heat/humidity but maybe only for a few days as the coming weekend will have day time highs in the 60's! 
We're excited to have cooler temps ahead after a long hot summer.  Autumn is a favorite season for many, myself included!  I love the coolness and crispness of fall.  The wonderful aroma's that surround us and the glorious colors that blaze hillsides and valleys painting trees in oranges, reds, russets and golden yellow.  The fields are filled with overgrown foliage of wild flowers and weedy fauna.  The delightful earthy aromas, leaf mold, wood smoke, apples, pumpkins and of turned soil as farmers and gardeners ready the fields to rest for the long winter ahead. Birds gathering in flocks and geese formations flying in the autumn sky getting ready for their flight to warmer areas before the snow comes again.
The joys of fall are many, sleeping under freshly aired quilts with the window slightly ajar to let in the cool crisp night air, bringing out sweaters, jackets and warm slippers once more.
  Autumn is the beginning of slowing down after many hot, hectic summer days. Fairs and field days over, beaches and parks closing, schools opened and we say so long to summer. It's time to welcome this new season of Fall and to enjoy the abundance of it's simple pleasures!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sandra, so glad you enjoyed my post, thanks for visiting and Happy Halloween to you as well!
