Each month brings it’s own simple joys just as each season does as well, at least to this ole heart!
We’ve already had over a foot of snow before Thanksgiving which has long since melted except for some parking lots where it was piled. More snow flurries are in the forecast for the weekend and already the winds are blowing cold.
Since my vow to have less Internet time I have been able to get more things done. The tree is up and decorated along with the living room, Christmas cards are written out, craft work is coming along and most of all I’m feeling less stress. Not wanting to lose touch with my dear friends or favorite blogs I will be back posting and writing again every few days. I thank those who understand and hang in here with me. Tomorrow I’ll start decorating the kitchen. Tonight while the cold winds blow our little house is snug , warm and cozy while Christmas lights add a special cheerful glow.
Some of the simple joys of December for me are watching snow flurries as they dance in the air, colorful birds at the feeders, Christmas lights that shine brightly and the welcome sight of candles glowing against window panes. The smell of wood smoke on a cold winter’s night and watching flames leap on fireplace hearths. Braided rugs, patchwork quilts, wool coats and knitted hats, just some of my favorite things. I enjoy the weeks and days that lead up to Christmas, they are magical as our hearts are full with the wonder of this most special holiday.
May our biggest blessing be that of simple joys shared with loved one’s and dear one’s always!
Best Wishes,
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